Work experience is a manifestation of your ability to solve problems, and the company also needs problem-solving people, so you need to clearly explain to the company that your competitiveness is the ability to solve problems.
Here you need to use the star rule: STAR rule, which is the abbreviation of Situation Task Action Result.
Situation: Under what circumstances did this happen.
Task:How do you define your tasks.
Action: For such a situation analysis, what action did you take?
Result: What was the result? What did you learn in this situation?

In short, the STAR rule is a way of telling, which is result-oriented, what has been done, and what effect has been achieved. So, in the resume, when you explain the same job content, the effect of using and not using the star rule is different. At least, the HR feels different when seeing the resume. Author: Super Resume WonderCV Link: Source: Zhihu